Sunday Lately 001-2019

Sunday Lately is a weekly linkup hosted by the Blogger Tribe!  We e-hangout every Sunday, sharing a small glimpse into the past week of life in our own worlds. Full collection of posts can be found on Wild + Wanderful.

Obsessing. Over getting myself organized, especially digitally. I got all of my fabric folded and back up on shelves by type, but I also got it all entered into a digital tracking program. I’m excited for how this can help – also, expect some posts coming soon about this.

Perusing. For project ideas… I don’t have anything pressing on my list so I’m taking this time to think about what I want to get done this year and what I could make with certain fabrics. I’m looking at new-to-me designer’s for ideas for upcoming series

Praising. This week is all sewing related, but I’m praising Sequoia of for what she’s doing with this months’ House of Curves Break the Rules series. January is all about prints: mixing prints, wearing prints, loving prints. She’s got all kinds of inspiration going up everywhere and giveaways all month long.

See you next time, until then – happy sewing!

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