G+G Lollapalooza Top

*As always, there are some affiliate links sprinkled throughout my post in an effort to one day turn my hobby into something that could be self sustainable. Using them doesn’t cost you anything, but will provide me with a small commission.*

George + Ginger has released their newest pattern, the Lollapalooza Top. This top features an off shoulder elastic casing, ruffle/bell sleeves and an elastic encased waistband. I made my first version in quilting cotton, the recommended fabric from testing.


I made another version with a few changes. Instead of using the suggested quilting cotton, I used a drapey gauze from Joann’s, which I think makes a huge difference. As for my changes, well… There wasn’t a pattern piece I left untouched! I started with changing the method of attaching the top elastic: I didn’t want a casing so I cut off 1/2″ from the top of each piece. This allowed me to serge the elastic to the inner edge and then turn over and topstitch. I slimmed the sleeve, tapering it to the same width at the top, taking about 1″ per side off. From there, I lengthened the lower hem ruffle by around 6″ and began to sew it together.


After beginning construction, I made the decision to shorten the sleeves and the bodice pieces (after they were all sewn together of course), so I just serged off the excess, by 1″ and 4″ respectively. My final changes are to the waist. I don’t find the waistband elastic casing to be flattering on my plus size body. I wasn’t sure what to do for a while, but after some brainstorming, I decided to add side ties to pull it in behind my waist and still let it sit flat along the front. I picked out a little of the side seam and inserted ties and it is so much better!


In the future, I will probably just lengthen the top bodice and leave off the lower hem ruffle. I may do some shaping to the sides or slim the center back depending on what I want for my final look.


Which is your favorite? What kind of a hack would you do to make this pattern the best for you?

See you next time, until then – happy sewing!


  1. I actually like both of these versions as you look equally lovely in either. But I’m all about which is more comfortable for you, so if the waist ties is the better option for you, I’d vote on keeping it and removing the elasticated waistband (which are easily sometimes uncomfortable and annoying at any size)

    Liked by 1 person

  2. The blue top! The length is perfect for you, soooo flattering. Excellent fabric choice and excellent changes to the original pattern.

    Liked by 1 person

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